Wednesday 14 August 2013

Tikanga - Best contemporary discussion of the link between modern and traditional values

In September 2012 NZCER and Te Wānanga o Raukawa held the second Kei Tua o Te Pae hui, Changing Worlds, Changing Tikanga—Educating History and the Future, held at Te Wānanga o Raukawa in Ōtaki. 

The aim was to explore the impact that colonisation has had on tikanga Māori, to think about how tikanga has been shaped by history and to consider what we take with us into the future. 

The proceedings include presentations and a series of reflections from participants. 

Foreword 7
Moana Jackson Introduction 9
OPENING KEYNOTE: Building Māori futures on kaupapa tuku iho - Whatarangi Winiata 11
Changing the default setting: Making trouble to restore tikanga - Ani Mikaere 25
The hetero-patriarchy and the corruption of tikanga - Jessica Hutchings 31
Te awa atua: The river of life! Menstruation in pre-colonial times - Ngāhuia Murphy 36
Violence and the distortion of tikanga - Mereana Pitman 44
Te ao hurihuri Leonie Pihama 50
It’s about whānau—Oppression, sexuality and mana - Kim McBreen 55
In search of our nannies’ gardens: A mana wahine geography of maternities in Aotearoa - Naomi Simmonds 65
The evolving tikanga of local governance and challenges for tikanga Māori 
Caleb Royal 70
Mouri tāngata: Tikanga as a liberation - Mera Penehira 74
Tikanga in changing worlds - Meihana K. Durie 77
Hui reflections: The power in our truth, the truth of our power - Moana Jackson 87

  • Reflections: Healing voices transforming futures - Sophronia Smith 94
  • Reflections Te Ara Groot 
  • Reflections Moko Morris
  • Reflections Monique Lagan
  • Reflections Kahukura Kemp
  • Reflections Willie Ropata
  • Reflections Kato Ropata

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