Tuesday 13 August 2013

Maori Culture & Broader Outcomes - Te Hoe Nuku Roa

Te Hoe Nuku Roa - Best Outcomes for Maori

"Te Hoe Nuku Roa is a longitudinal Mäori household survey of 550 households funded by the Public Good Science Fund.
The study is built on a relational framework made up of four interacting axes - paihere tangata (human relationships), te ao Mäori (Mäori culture and identity), ngä ähuatanga noho-ä-tangata (social-economic circumstances), ngä whakanekeneke (change over time). Each axis forms a pütake (root), from which subsets, ngä peka (branches), take form, resulting in ngä rau (leaves), the areas of inquiry that will provide essential information both to quantify and to qualify ngä peka and ngä pütake.
Although the framework consists of four axes, the significance of Te Hoe Nuku Roa is the items on one axis can be linked with items on the other. This provides for the creation of a more complete profile of Mäori than has been possible in the past. Most descriptions of Mäori have suffered from cross sectional limitations and a single sectoral interest."

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