Dr Donna Cormack, Department of Public Health
BA (Hons), MA
Senior Research Fellow; TRRHAEP
Contact Details
Research Interests and Activities
Donna (Waitaha, Kāti Mamoe, Kai Tahu) has been involved in work on the collection and classification of ethnicity data in New Zealand, particularly as it relates to measuring and monitoring disparities. Most recently, Donna has been focused on work examining disparities in cancer outcomes and access to cancer services for Māori. She is involved in the Differential Colon Cancer Survival by Ethnicity in New Zealand project as well as Unequal Treatment: The Role of Health Services with Te Rōpū Rangahau Hauora a Eru Pōmare.
Chapter in Book - Research
Cormack, D., Purdie, G., & Robson, B. (2007). Cancer. In B. Robson & R. Harris (Eds.), Hauora: Māori standards of health IV: A study of the years 2000-2005 (pp. 103-119). Wellington, New Zealand: Te Rōpū Rangahau Hauora a Eru Pōmare, University of Otago.
Robson, B., Cormack, D., & Cram, F. (2007). Social and economic indicators. In B. Robson & R. Harris (Eds.), Hauora: Māori standards of health IV: A study of the years 2000-2005 (pp. 21-32). Wellington, New Zealand: Te Rōpū Rangahau Hauora a Eru Pōmare, University of Otago.
Cormack, D. (2007). The Māori population. In B. Robson & R. Harris (Eds.), Hauora: Māori standards of health IV: A study of the years 2000-2005 (pp. 11-20). Wellington, New Zealand: Te Rōpū Rangahau Hauora a Eru Pōmare, University of Otago.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Robson, B., Purdie, G., & Cormack, D. (2010). Unequal Impact II: Māori and Non-Māori cancer statistics by deprivation and rural-urban status 2002-2006. Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of Health. 167p.
Robson, B., Cormack, D., & Purdie, G. (2006). Unequal Impact: Māori and non-Māori Cancer Statistics 1996-2001. Commissioned by Ministry of Health. Wellington, New Zealand . 242p.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Doolan-Noble, F., McKinlay, E., & Cormack, D. (2006). The journey of treatment and care for people on the West Coast. Proceedings of the Sharing the Learning Symposium. Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of Health. Retrieved fromhttp://www.moh.govt.nz/moh.nsf/indexmh/cancercontrol-projectsummaries
Journal - Research Article
Harris, R., Cormack, D., Tobias, M., Yeh, L.-C., Talamaivao, N., Minster, J., & Timutimu, R. (2012). The pervasive effects of racism: Experiences of racial discrimination in New Zealand over time and associations with multiple health domains. Social Science & Medicine, 74(3), 408-415. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.11.004
McLeod, M., Cormack, D., Harris, R., Robson, B., Sykes, P., & Crengle, S. (2011). Achieving equitable outcomes for Māori women with cervical cancer in New Zealand: Health provider views. New Zealand Medical Journal, 124(1334). Retrieved from http://journal.nzma.org.nz/journal/124-1334/4661/content.pdf
Lawton, B. A., Rose, S. B., Cormack, D. M., Stanley, J., & Dowell, A. C. (2008). The menopause symptom profile of Maori and non-Maori women in New Zealand.Climacteric, 11, 467-474. doi: 10.1080/13697130802351094
Health Utilisation Research Alliance (HURA), including McLeod, D., Cormack, D., Robson, B., Love, T., Salmond, C., Dowell, T., … Crampton, P. (2006). Ethnicity data and primary care in New Zealand: Lessons from the Health Utilisation Research Alliance (HURA) study. New Zealand Medical Journal, 119(1231). Retrieved fromhttp://journal.nzma.org.nz/journal/119-1231/1917/content.pdf
Hill, S., Sarfati, D., Blakely, T., Robson, B., Purdie, G., Dennett, E., Cormack, D., Dew, K., … Kawachi, I. (2010). Ethnicity and management of colon cancer in New Zealand: Do indigenous patients get a worse deal? Cancer, 116(13), 3205-3214.doi: 10.1002/cncr.25127
McLeod, M., Harris, R., Purdie, G., Cormack, D., Robson, B., Sykes, P., … Iupati, D., Walker, N. (2010). Improving survival disparities in cervical cancer between Māori and non-Māori women in New Zealand: A National Retrospective Cohort Study.Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 34(2), 193-199. doi: 10.1111/j.1753-6405.2010.00506.x
Hill, S., Sarfati, D., Blakely, T., Robson, B., Purdie, G., Chen, J., Dennett, E., Cormack, D., Cunningham, R., Dew, K., … Kawachi, I. (2010). Survival disparities in indigenous and non-indigenous New Zealanders with colon cancer: The role of patient comorbidity, treatment and health service factors. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 64(2), 117-123. doi: 10.1136/jech.2008.083816
Raymont, A., Morgan, S., McLeod, D., Dowell, A., van Rij, A., Cumming, J., … Dew, K., Cormack, D. (2008). New Zealand general practitioners' non-urgent referrals to surgeons: Who and why? New Zealand Medical Journal, 121(1275). Retrieved fromhttp://journal.nzma.org.nz/journal/121-1275/3091/content.pdf
Harris, R., Robson, B., Curtis, E., Purdie, G., Cormack, D., & Reid, P. (2007). Māori and non-Māori differences in caesarean section rates: A national review. New Zealand Medical Journal, 120(1250). Retrieved fromhttp://journal.nzma.org.nz/journal/120-1250/2444/content.pdf
Health Utilisation Research Alliance (HURA), including McLeod, D., Cormack, D., Love, T., Salmond, C., Robson, B., Dowell, T., Crampton, P., Ramage, S., Howard, M. (2006). Ethnicity, socioeconomic deprivation and consultation rates in New Zealand general practice. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 11(3), 141-149.
Sarfati, D., Blakely, T., Shaw, C., Cormack, D., & Atkinson, J. (2006). Patterns of disparity: Ethnic and socio-economic trends in breast cancer mortality in New Zealand. Cancer Causes & Control, 17, 671-678.
Cormack, D., Sarfati, D., Harris, R., Robson, B., Shaw, C., & Blakely, T. (2010). Re: 'An overview of cancer and beliefs about the disease in indigenous people of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the US' [Letter]. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 34(1), 90-91. doi: 10.1111/j.1753-6405.2010.00481.x
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