Tuesday 13 August 2013

Maori Quant Analysts - Prof Chris Cunningham

Professor Chris Cunningham

Ngāti Toa

Academic Details:

PhD, BSc (Hons)
Position:Director, Research Centre for Māori Health & Development

Department/SchoolTe Pumanawa Hauora - College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Area of Expertise/Research:

Research Bibliography (Major Publications):

Research Bibliography (Major Publications):
Cunningham, C. W. (2003). Application of the Te Puni Kōkiri Guidelines for conducting evaluation research with Māori. In N. Lunt, C. Davidson & K. McKegg (Eds.), Evaluating policy and practice: A New Zealand reader. (pp. [page numbers]). Auckland, N.Z.: Pearson.
Cunningham, C. W., Reading, J., & Eades, S. (2003). Health research and indigenous health. British Medical Journal, 327, 443-444.
Cunningham, C. W., & Stanley, F. (Eds.). (2003). British Medical Journal Theme Issue: Health of Indigenous People, 327, 403-458.
Cunningham, C. W., & Stanley, F. (2003). Indigenous by definition, experience or worldview. British Medical Journal, 327, 403-404.
Cunningham, C.W. (2002). Ngā āhuatanga noho o te hunga pakeke Māori: E tū te huru mā, haramai e noho. Living standards of older Māori: To the elderly who have reached the pinnacle, remain as a guiding light for us all (A report prepared for the Ministry of Social Development). Wellington, N.Z.: Te Pūmanawa Hauora, School of Māori Studies, Massey University.
Durie, M., Cunningham, C., Fitzgerald, E., & Stevenson, B. (2002). Māori perspectives on the measurement of living standards. Wellington, N.Z.: Ministry of Social Development.
Cunningham, C., & Kiro, C. (2001). Rapuhia mo te hauroa Māori. In P. Davis & T. Ashton (Eds.), Health and public policy in New Zealand (pp. 62-81). Auckland, N.Z.: Oxford University Press.
Cunningham, C.W., & Marshall, B., & Gavin, J. (2001). The development of a national cancer control strategy for New Zealand. Auckland, N.Z.: New Zealand Cancer Control Trust, New Zealand Public Health Directorate.
Cunningham, C.W. (2000). Health and disability services for older Māori (A paper prepared for the National Health Committee). Palmerston North, N.Z.: Te Pūtahi-ā-Toi, Massey University.
Cunningham, C.W. (2000). Māori participation in the monitoring of quality mental health services (A paper prepared for the Mental Health Operating Group of the Health Funding Authority). Palmerston North, N.Z.: Te Pūmanawa Hauora, School of Māori Studies, Massey University.
Cunningham, C.W. (2000). The participation of Māori in the monitoring of mental health services: The first steps. Palmerston North, N.Z.: Te Pūmanawa Hauora, School of Māori Studies, Massey University.
Cunningham, C. (1999). Health care for older Māori (A paper prepared for the National Health Committee). Palmerston North, N.Z.: Te Pūmanawa Hauora, School of Māori Studies, Massey University.
Cunningham, C. (1999). Research and older Māori. In [Editors], Challenges and Opportunities: Issues for the Millennium, [Conference Proceedings: Wellington Gerontology Conference] (pp. 105-108). Wellington, N.Z.: Senior Citizens’ Unit, Social Policy Agency.
Cunningham, C.W., & Durie, M.H. (1999). He rerenga hauora. In Davis, P. & Dew, J. (Eds.), Health and society in Aotearoa New Zealand (pp. 235-254). Auckland, N.Z.: Oxford University Press.
Cunningham, C. W., & Durie, M. H. (Eds.). (1999). Proceedings: Te Oru Rangahau - Māori Research and Development Conference (2nd ed.). Palmerston North: Te Pūmanawa Hauora, School of Māori Studies, Massey University.
Cunningham, C.W. (1998). A framework for addressing Māori knowledge in research, science and technology. In Te Pūmanawa Hauora (Eds.), Te Oru Rangahau Māori Research Conference (pp. 394-405). Palmerston North, N.Z.: School of Māori Studies, Massey University.
Cunningham, C.W. (1998). A framework for Māori research in education (A paper prepared for the Ministry of Education). Palmerston North, N.Z.: Te Pūmanawa Hauora, School of Māori Studies, Massey University.
Cunningham, C.W. (1998). Māori health research: Mechanisms and portfolios (A paper prepared for the Health Research Council of New Zealand). Palmerston North, N.Z.: Te Pūmanawa Hauora, School of Māori Studies, Massey University.

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