Friday 16 August 2013

Maori demographics 2006 - Maori ancestry or descent

Māori ancestry in official statistics
The ancestry question in the population census provides a count of people of Māori ancestry that is important for constitutional and legal arrangements in Aotearoa/New Zealand, including the right to enrol on the Māori electoral roll and to take a claim to the Waitangi Tribunal. In the 2006 Census, 643,977 people identified that they had Māori ancestry, 17.7% of the total population of Aotearoa/New Zealand. There were a number of people who identified with the Māori ethnic group, but indicated that they did not know if they had Māori ancestry (6,795) or did not have Māori ancestry (4,059) (Statistics New Zealand 2007c).

Information on iwi affiliation is also collected in the census for those people who identify that they have Māori ancestry. Of the 643,977 persons stating that they had Māori ancestry in the 2006 Census, 80% identified affiliation with one or more of the iwi listed in the iwi classification.

Hauora: Māori Standards of Health IV is the latest edition in the Hauora series, and covers the period 2000 to 2005. The first three chapters situate the health statistics within the broader context, including the theoretical, demographic and socioeconomic contexts. This is followed by chapters on mortality, public hospitalisations, cancer and mental health.
This volume of Hauora also includes a number of topic-based chapters from invited authors, including chapters on cardiovascular disease; diabetes; respiratory disease; oral health; disability; sleep problems; occupational safety and health; health in prisons; and the National Primary Medical Care Survey.
Hauora: Māori Standards of Health IV was funded by the Ministry of Health and the Health Research Council.

Census 2006, Donna Cormack, Hauora IV, Maori demographics,

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